The Small Business Legal Toolkit

Sale price $14.00 Regular price $34.00

Small business owners face countless challenges and demands in their first four years. There are products and services to develop, wages and superannuation to calculate, locations and equipment to organise, staff to manage, and much, much more. With all of this going on, how can a small business owner find the time to get on top of the legal issues they need to know about?  


Georgia Thomas works exclusively with start-ups and small business owners. She knows the issues they confront, how they can run into trouble, and the answers to the questions they don’t even know they should be asking. And she has distilled all of this knowledge and experience into The Small Business Legal Toolkit.


Packed with useful information in bite-sized sections, this book will help you navigate through the uncertainty and avoid problems that can blind-side small business owners. It includes:


  • the legal essentials you need to know and understand to set up and operate your business
  • comprehensive information about business leases, intellectual property, marketing, employment issues, policies, dealing with contractors, websites, privacy, entering into agreements, and more
  • questions to help you work out what to do next
  • information to help you work with a lawyer
  • links to practical online tips, information and resources.


The implications for making legal mistakes can be disastrous for a small business, especially in the early days. If you’re a small business owner or are about to become one, The Small Business Legal Toolkit will help you navigate the legal minefield of starting and running a business.